@jZangetsu21: To be fair they also gave a group of people 3 pairs of the exactly same pants of a test study and told them to rank them, people pointed out issues and advantages of the same exact pants like they were different. When people are made to compare stuff your brain is going to create comparisons even if they aren't there. So the fact that he thought that doesn't prove anything just that they used a brain biased lapse to prove a point. And that means what was actually shown was the biased experience not that actually he can't see differences in actually diferent things, just because he saw differences in the same product.
Tekken has sites like Tekken Zaibatsu that write down how many frames a movement takes. Some people even know some of that frame data. People caring about frames in Tekken is not something new. I really like Harada, I didn't knew he could be like this, I don't think this was a proper way to answer peoples concerns.
@B1ACKWARRIOR: I'm sorry, when my frame rate drops to 25 to 9 playing something I shouldn't be playing on my PC I can notice and be aware of what frame rate is. And how different from resolution it is. The resolution didn't drop the frames did. When you walk froward and suddenly you are pass a landmark without seeing more than half the animation of walking or seeing it staggers. Saying people don't notice frame rate and can't distinguish it from resolution is disingenuous. In what level are you referring to? A game running at 30 fps and at 120 fps in the same resolution side by side is noticeable. Also Tekken has sites like Tekken Zaibatsu that write down how many frames a movement takes. Some people even know some of that frame data. People caring about frames in Tekken is not something new. I really like Harada, I didn't knew he could be like this, I don't think this was a proper way to answer peoples concerns.
@froidnite: I think that didn't happen yet, he is still in negotiations / biding. or did it? Articles are confusing, they are talking in the future tense, but with a certainty that already happened.
"After a long consideration between Lilith owner Chris Kesler and ourselves, we have reached a mutual agreement to end our collaboration on publishing Allison Road under Team17’s Games label,"
"After a long consideration between Team17 and ourselves, we have reached a mutual agreement to end our collaboration on publishing Allison Road under Team17’s Games label."
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