chad28_69's forum posts
So I'm going to assume there's no fix, or that you don't care enough to tell me that there is one, and have my game ratings only on GameFaqs.
@ GameSpot Staff: Thanks for the many and quick answers.
its ugly and occupies too much real estate. making it hard to read.
Both in Pokemon LeafGreen and Emerald when I click the to score the game it says it saves but when I refresh the rating is gone, it also doesn't appear in my stack. In other games it works.
In a lot of games in my stack the names are either the japanese ones or have the type (Platinum, Mega Hits, etc) in front of it.
Exemples: Rygar appears as Argus no Senshi and Drangon Quest VIII as Dragon Quest VIII: Sora to Umi to Daichi to Norowareshi Himegimi, Final Fantasy VIII (Platinum).
Also my ratings and reviews says I did 22, but when I click it it says "Total of 72 user ratings spread across 72 releases", so something is not right.
I was hoping you would fix this but it has been like this since the deletion of the old system and the implementation of stacks and change in review scores.
Before this I had everything organized now its a mess.
It happened before the first conference (Bethesda) you could go to gamespot.com/e3/ or gamespot.com/e3/news and it had a follow button. I'm not sure about the links, thought. I think it was before you put the E3 2015 logo by the gamespot logo, since i remember I was trying to find the E3 page, by imitating the e3 2014 link. Afterwards I couldn't access gamespot.com/e3/ because it would redirect me to gamespot.com. And I couldn't find the follow button so I could unfollow.
Also you should had scroll or page change for people who follow many games. I never had this happen before this incident with E3, but having 50 notifications is not that unreasonable and you can only see 20.
yeah it seems it is I turned on firefox today and was logged in.
I understand it was E3, you must have been busy with extra traffic.
It started happening during the E3, not sure exactly when, I think it was around the time of the introduction of the new video players. It happens at least once a day since then.
Using Firefox.
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