I think lemmings should stop arguing that xbl is worth it when everyone knows its not.
the said thing is.... it is worth it. i definitely do not mind paying for xbl for a year. its a great service. i have psn as well and you can 100% tell the difference. killzone 2, when i play online, cuts out sometimes, but when i play h3 or gow2 it never happened. (actually maybe twice)
but i can see why ppl may be frustrated, imo its totally worth it.
what about halo odst? isnt that due out this year? and i think mass effect 2 is due out this year as well. i think the new halo game is gonna be wicked.
im so happy im not the only one with that problem. i was trying to get into a game all yesterday and that msg came up. although, everytime it did, i would sign back in and QUCIKLY go find a match b4 it logs me out again. as soon as u go into a match, i dont think it would kick you out.
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