Ok, my opinion is that you don't need any more space than 20GB. I have plenty of DLC for games like GRAW2, Halo 3, and Gears of war.. I own all the DLC for those games and it takes up about 4GB. I also have a dozen Southpark episodes, and about 25 XBL Arcade games, and I still have about 6GB of free space on my drive for more demos, HD movie downloads, etc.
The only people who claim that 20GB isn't enough are the pack rats who download stuff they don't even play or watch. Remember, ANYTHING you download from XBL Marketplace you can always delete when you no longer need it and download it again later for free(even if you paid for it).
your right, honestly i dont even need 60gb either. ppl who actually need all that space for movies, answer this. how many movies can u possibly download and watch. download them, watch em, then delete them. and when you need em, download them again. simple and free.
although, i wonder what kind of chipset comes with the 60gb console. if they improved on it or not!
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