patch is a trend these days just you wait and see FO4. (i'm a fan of both studio but game breaking /major glitch is just inevitable) i'm sure Witcher3 Dev, doing the best they can and the game is like what 6 months old.
comparing CDproject vs Bathesda isn't something fair, since it's engine and stuff way different to each other,
it's like how about Skyrim with no loading between area/location and lively-city or how about Witcher offer more of random encounter , Live-world and stuff. it can go on and on and on.
i get your point but maybe you just had a bad luck causing bad experience ,since i've played Witcher3 from day1 encounter some bug yes but nothing too major.
you should try AC : Unity ,a year later and it's just didn't get much better than day 1.
only almost perfect game is Call of Duty it's bug / glitch yes but it almost glitch free since it like a fkin-rail-shooter.
i'm looking forward to this game i hope it's stop at that and not following by any major patch to fix major performance issue. (which seemly possible in major fix , but minor glitch maybe?)
[ i've play many great games in this year , i want something simple in this time of year ,please just don't Finger-Up ]
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