Hey guys so with all my christmas money i'm planning on buying a new PS3 game... i have enough for 2 but i want to pre-order RE:5... For right now i'm stuck between choosing.. Dead Space, Valkyria Chronicles or Mortal Combat VS. DC Universe.... I'm looking for a very fun and exciting game I played the Dead Space and Chronicles demo's and had fun with both but i am unsure with DC.... so can you guys please help me make a decision THANX!
The only MGS game i have played was the second one (sadly) so i was looking through the ps2 games and noticed they made a 2nd version of Snake Eater.... So i'm wondering before i go off and buy MGS4 will they make another version with extra features?
So I'm interested in buying a new great game for my PS3... I'm stuck between MGS4 and Fallout 3.... Can anyone who has both these games tell me which one is better and has more replayability... and are there any other amazing games other then these i should look out for?... i already have R2 and LBP
So i bought a 80G PS3 from costco a couple of weeks ago... it doesn't have the memory card slots and it only has 2 usb plug connections.... Does this mean its an old version? If it is will it have any hardware differences then the new ones?
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