a new smash bros update and you can play on the bridge of eldin as a stage where the moblin king rides through on his boar and makes holes in the bridge.
also resident evil : the umbrella chronicles has now got a confirmed two player co-op mode.
a new smash bros update and you can play on the bridge of eldin as a stage where the moblin king rides through on his boar and makes holes in the bridge.
also resident evil : the umbrella chronicles has now got a confirmed two player co-op mode.
2 updates to tell you and the first is a new soundtrack which is a medley of music from the legend of zelda: ocarina of time
the second is a new item called ... the banana? oh well it is pretty funny.
in a recent interview with suda 51 he announced some new information on his wii title.
firstly, a new assassin with the name Holly Summers will appear as the rank 6 in the UAA. she also has a missile for her left leg.
second he said how difficult working the control into the wii had been but the sword and wrestling action should be great fun
finally he stated that this game will be the complete opposite of killer 7, his earlier game for the GC and ps2, and will be a lot more simple.
first i couldnt be bothered to put every single one in so i only put in my favourites
second i did my favourite from each list in capitals
finally if you want the link for the all the games copy and paste this address into your browser:
more brain training from DR. kawashima: how old is your brain? - 29 june
puzzle league DS - 29 june
harry potter and the order of the phoenix - 29 june
mechassault phantom war - 29 june
elite beat agents - 13 july
sonic rush adventure - 28 september
juiced 2: hot import nights - TBC 2007
worms: open warfare 2 - TBC 2007
race driver: create and race - TBC 2007
wii games
mortal kombat: armageddon - 22 june
resident evil 4: wii edition - 29 june
harry potter and the order of the phoenix - 29 june
scarface - 30 june
mario party 8 - 13 july
big brain academy: wii degree - 20 july
king of clubs - 20 july
trauma center: second opinion - 10 august
alien syndrome - 7 september
dragon blade: wrath of fire - 21 september
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