After hearing the positive things about this game I decided that I would finally purchase the first God of War to see if I liked it enough to get the second one.
I have doubts that the library for the PS3 will have a AAAE game by the time christmas comes around, so I'd say yes it's failing at least in the games department. First cow that responds with a list of multiplats and Motorstorm gets a spanking.
the standards for the PS3 is high, if it becomes better than the Xbox360 (in terms of graphics) I will NOT be suprised
look at the xbox, and the gamecube. one year after the PS2's release, the launch titles for the GC and xbox instantly looked better than most of the things on the PS2. nowadays it's different
The ps3 came out a year later, and yet it doesn't look better than the xbox360? why? hell the xbox360 is actually looking better with most multiplats. I know it's catching up, and in the future it will probably surpass the xbox360 by a small margin. but the ps3 should be looking better now, not in the future.
Harder to program for.
Bad for you.
Bad for Sony.
Bad for Developers.
I fail to see the reason this should convince anyone the PS3 is better than 360.
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