my favorites were always 2 and 3. part 2 seemed to be more popular when it arrived years ago more than any nes mega man. it also has thee best music soundtrack to listen to as it is a joy. part 3 is really good and more challenging. it has good music too but not like part 2. those 2 games are my choices and favs
for the wii: mario kart wii - the main reason why i got a wii in the first place. wii fit plus family feud 2012 mario galaxy 2 mario galaxy 1 carnival games zelda skyword sword tetris party wii sports family feud decades
its btwn mario smash bros and sakura samurai for me. i already get free calenders every year. does anyone have feedback and preference btwn those 2 game i mentioned?
san andreas hands down!!! i love the jet pack and flying to 3 major cities. you can fly every helicopter, and plane in the world on this game. you can ride trains and boats. you can ride in a real airplane and pay inside to fly to a real city as if you were in a airport. i love how big the state was. this is the only game in the series that has a state and multiple cities and lands. i love the musical selection. what i dont like about san andreas is it was restricted to the 1990's and not current. so they left out how up to date each city was which hurt las vegas a bit. i would have liked going inside of a mall and an airport like you did vice city. love the strip and dance clubs and playing inside the casinos. this game really had it all!
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