i finished Crysis 2 without playing Crysis 1 and i was fine....im dying to play #1 now , wish they ported it over
Yes your Wii is just going into standby, nothing really to be concerned aboutmy first Wii console's videocard fried because of standby (no fan running when powered off)Ever since they replaced it i disabled connect24
every game ive bought ive played...but i can say a large number of games i only finished 1/4 before trading in
nothing, majority ive what ive played recently feels like a chore more than enjoyment....hoping Crysis 2 is as good as it looks
FPS single player games usually arent good imo, with the expection of HL2 and some others. For games like CoD, KZ i dont even touch SP
i dont like the options given in pollim a huge Zelda fan, but i gotta say it looks "Good". However, ill wait to play the game before making any final decisions.
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