are you asking me what i mean and hello to you. The post you highlighted about what i said look at what the person posted above that said i didnt say that . That what what i meant.
Do you think that the rules of the road apply to everything in life like i belive. I also belive that the rules of the road are taking away our god given rights to us because of the way we look at thing in this life or any other life that we might have taken place in. If the bible were followed more with a clear point of view we wouldnt have the problems of society of things that we percieve things if you belive this it is probally true to you as it is to me. Eveyone rember that there are allways two sides to every story.
Just be careful thats all iam saying. As it states in the bible be careful when doing things that are an unholy thing because it will comeback and get you. Again we all know why this is such a big deal of who he is and what he stands for as it states in the bible be careful of who you digress on because of your neighbor will tell on you making your soul promise to mankind null and void . Allways twosides on a coin so be carefull of how you pronounce things on this time frame.
I belive this is a just right thing to do. So be careful and think of the other guy just as it says in the bible becareful and willfull of your neighbor needs and be true to yourself and the light will shine through to other good day. I just think that everyone should take a step back and look at the other guys side of the story because there are allways two sides to a story . I belive that the bible anwser all questions we have in life for all time from the past and to the future needs of mankind and to the future just be careful of what we say to each other and it will come back to you four times in a return fashion which is a good thing.
this is what you get for messing with somthing that it tells you in the bible that you should not do. What if he would have been another color would all of this be taken place or for granted i think not only because of who he is and what he stands for is the takking place in this current time frame that we are in at this time.So be careful in what you do or say they are allways listening and i mean it because i have proof of what iam saying and i belive it takes place here and everywhere.
Just as it says in the bible be care in what you do or say in lifebecause it can somtimes come back and get you in the least unexpected way of things.........Everyone have a good day.
again thats just the way it is.. Ive been banned a couple of days before and most of my tthreads locked only because they know the color of my skin. I think it is wrong but it is just the way it is around here and the rest of the world. And someone will say they dont know the color of my skin but i feel they do thats why so many injuctices to me and my kind has been perpatrated throughout all time. But i live with it and can accept it . But i thought that since we elected Barrack as president all of that old way of thinking would pass but i guess not some things will never change . Just like it says in the bible........ ahmen....
i think there will be no more wars because its all going to end in 2012 i know this i feels this ive read this i know this its going to end in 2012... the end
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