Today, Sony announced PSN/the Playstation Store had be compromised.
This time last year, Microsoft ran into account fraud for Live.
Naturally, as I've stated before, this is detrimental to how buying things online for consoles is viewed.
In light for this, here are a few good things to do/keep in mind:
1. Before you do anything else, stop to contact your bank and credit card company to see what their policies concerning credit/debit card fraud and identity theft are. Are you liable for purchases made through fraud? How hard is it to cancel the card? Will they warn you if they see suspicious activities?
2. Evaluate your passwords. A simple password is an easily defeated password (and "password" makes a lousy password, I might add). The longer the better, plus you'll really want to have a mixture of letters, numbers and if allowed, special characters (like stuff you'd normally hit shift plus a number for). And never use part of your login as part of your password; makes it easier to guess. There are a number of guides and tips out there for making good passwords; take time to google a few.
3. Get some resources lined up and read through on how to deal with identity theft and fraud. Yes, this is covered a little in #1, but its worth looking more into. Also, you'll be able to help friends and family prepare themselves or (heaven help them) recover from identity theft and fraud. The Federal Trade Commission has websites for Identity Theft and Credit Card Fraud that might make good starting points for you. Checking your credit rating/history isn't a bad idea either - again, the FTC has a site that can help.
4. Receipts and statements. Love them and use them. This goes for ATM/debit cards and credit cards. Its easy enough to ignore, but its important. Most online transactions I've done have given me both a receipt page to print out as well as confirmation emails. Never reconciled reciepts and payments to statements before? Its not too hard, honest.
5. Remember, companies pretty much never ask you for account information. If you're having account trouble or need to pay a bill, go to their website directly and deal with it there. Don't trust a link in an email - it might say one thing but could take you somewhere completely different. If someone calls for you asking for account information, get their information and say "I'll call you back," then call the company's customer service. Scammers won't go for that; if they're legit, there ought not be any problem. Don't be badgered or intimidated!
Sad to say there are people out there who make their living writing viruses, malware and doing other types of nastiness. As console online transactions through PSN, Live and the Wii's Virtual Console/Wiiware grow, they're going to become very attractive targets for these jerks. Don't assume that since you're making purchases from a console that you're immune to them. If you're really unsure or leary, go to a store and buy pre-paid cards for Live Marketplace, Wii Points, and soon PSN. If you can't find them in your area, some online stores may take pre-paid debit cards - ask your bank or credit card company about them, or even see if your local retailers carry them. Just make sure the service you want to use them with accepts them.
Stay safe people!
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