I had bought my 360 Arcade system back in January of this year. For the most part all of my major requirements for getting a current gen system (and the 360) had been met - $200 dollars for the system, the 360 was on a new hardware revision including a smaller/cooler GPU, and there were a good selection of games at the Platinum Hits status. I had intended to wait for the Pro to hit $200 or less, but a very generous person gave me a 360 harddrive (20g) and some games to boot. Very, very kind, and that did it for me.
First off, I have to say that for many of the PC games I play there gulf between console and PC gaming isn't as big as it was. I'm not talking about which is better or whatever so much as PC gaming seems less problematic than in the "old days," and I can generally expect a simple experience (install and play). System requirements are becoming increasingly reliable, I'm not having to find and grab patches like before (if anything they handle it for me), and with the Windows 7 RC I don't have to go driver hunting either. The PC gaming industry has begun to really adopt these featuers, making the experience a bit more console like, and I'm quite pleased. So expect no PC snobbery from me :)
The NGE update is quite nice, and I have been using the install to drive option semi-regularly. Of course, this is making me want to get a 60g or even a 120g drive, but oh well. Live is easy to use, sort of a console-ized Zune interface, and it works well. I'm still learning the ins-and-outs of it, but that's not a biggie. Like virtually everyone else on the planet the Microsoft Points system annoys me, so taking advantage of the deal Amazon has for XBLA games is huge thing for me. Real prices and only as much as I want to spend? Sign me up! I still have to get points, and they're an impulse shopper's worst nightmare (nothing like figuring out how much you spent the next day - eek!) - the system works well, is quick and is painless (unless you're doing conversions in your head).
Due to my playing of MMOs and such on the PC I actually only played the 360 on an infrequent basis. I'm taking a break from those, so now I've begun console gaming again and am enjoying it. Thus far I'm quite pleased with Live Gold - paid for three months, then when that was done just bought a 13-month card. Nice, easy, and except for KOFXII the online play has been great. I was particularly impressed with Live and Capcom's netcode for SFIV when I played a guy I know in Helsinki, Finland (I'm in Maui, Hawai'i).
I've not had to change the batteries in my wireless controller yet. However, I know I will in time, so I need to look into getting a battery charger and some good rechargable AA's. That makes more sense to me since there are tons of things in the house that use AA's anyhow. The control pad is confortable and I like it a lot except for the d-pad. I'm used to better; the Dreamcast's pad, the Saturn, the Neo Geo CD/Pocket, etc. For the record I don't like the Playstation pads and their d-pads. Now, this is a personal preference issue normally, but I think its safe to say the 360's pad isn't nearly as good as it should be. There is a small mod I can do that most people swear makes the 360's pad tons better, but haven't gotten around to it.
I do like that my 360 joystick (HORI EX2) and wired pad work with Windows quite well. Great for Gametap and other such games. I actually considered getting SFIV for the PC but decided against it.
My library is small but it pleases me. I'm finding great value in both the retail games and the XBLA Marketplace. I love how active SNK is in there, and hope that they and Capcom re-release Card Fighter's Clash (Neo Geo Pocket version) for it, among other titles. There's a lot of stuff out there that really appeals to my old-school roots.
Looking at things, however, I will say this - I'm enjoying the system. I'm planning to get Rock Band 2 in the next month or so. Right now I could recommend a Jasper based system, easily, to a gamer. For casual to non-gamers, though? I think it still costs too much. While I have an Arcade, I really do think we've gotten to the point that a casual/non-gamer will learn about the stuff on Live Marketplace and want to get in on it (particularly extra content). While I (now) have an appreciation to the upgradable nature of the 360 so you can start off bare-bones (Arcade) and add as you need/want to, I really want to see the price of the Arcade unit go down at least another $50 or so. While I feel its a much better value than the Wii and know that the harddrive isn't required for many things, not having it does cause you to miss out on a lot.
Also, based on my purchase decisions and usage, I have to say I'm glad I didn't buy a PS3. Its an excellent system with a superb library, but its not a good value for me. I just want to play games - the BR movie playback is therefore useless to me. Likewise, I don't like wifi that much - ethernet offers better performance and does better in this old house to boot. The big exclusives the PS3 has, while excellent games, don't interest me. I have the same level of interest in Metal Gear as I do Halo... not much at all. The games I really want are multiplatform! I would've spent a lot more money to get something that offered me relatively little additional benefit. Maybe I'll feel different after my first RRoD ;)
This is NOT to say I don't want a PS3. However, when I got my 360 they were still starting at $400. And I'm not saying the PS3 is a bad system at all - I think anyone who buys one will be quite pleased with their purchase and with good reason. It just wasn't a good buy for me.
All in all, I'm pleased. I've been playing the 360 for a while now and liking it. I've gotten some good multi-player in online, as well as on-couch with non-gamer friends. I'm enjoying it a lot as a social machine, hence my upcoming RB2 purchase. There's nothing I'm doing on it that couldn't be done on a PS3, mind you, I just started doing it sooner and cheaper. I do need to pick up some more controllers - I'm really wanting to try 4-player Marvel Ultimate Alliance (and there's a sequel coming soon) plus some Castle Crashers (that's on PSN finally, right? What took so long?). I don't think I'll pick up another stick, though. The one is enough.
I'm pleased. Very pleased. Here's to Sony and their continued improvement of the PS3 - don't give Microsoft a moment's rest! I'm loving this competition and wouldn't trust either company to dominate (I've already complained on Sony's complacency last generation enough, and believe Microsoft would do the same if given the chance). The 360 is not the perfect system by any stretch of the imagination, but its a good one. Hopefully they'll learn the right lessons from this generation and the Xbox 720 will have the best features of this go round, with Live being on 3.0. Likewise, I hope Sony does the same, with PSN being 2.0 (grrr) and continuing their different direction...
update: Features I'm not sure I care about on a practical level...
Region-optional. You know, if I could read Japanese that'd be one thing, but I can't. I think the whole region-free issue isn't a big deal for those of us in the US, but for other places like Europe and Australia? Big one. They get things later and usually have to pay more as I recall. Notice that when given a choice publishers want regions, though. I'm glad Sony forced the issue, but I think that's less a pro-player move so much as they didn't want you modding your system to play imported games (which then makes you a candidate to start pirating games since its modded anyhow). It looks good, a small minority of players do benefit, but Sony is the biggest beneficiary of all. Microsoft should really do the same next generation. Of course, I'd like to point out the Neo Geo not only was regionless but its games would detect which language your Neo Geo was set for and use that - a Japanese game in a US system would play in English. A US game in a Japanese system would be in Japanese. And both games would be in Spanish if it was in a South American system. Oh, and we had memory cards before the PS1 ;)
Backwards Compatability. This is one of those "depends on your library" and "can you replay games" thing. I had originally wanted to get some of the older Xbox fighters, but they're too hard to find and I've given up. As such, well, I don't care about it anymore! There are some GREAT Xbox games and if you've never played them then by all means go to Gamestop and pick them up for cheap. But overall its no longer a feature for me. Ditto on the PS3 - I ended up liquidating my old library of PS2 games (primarily fighters), so while academically I support BC, practically speaking its not a major concern for me anymore. My relative inability to replay games figures in, also. I love KOTOR, but only played through once. I have no interest in repeating it, thank you.
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