@syedhashmi Seems like they're trying to avoid the 2012 holiday rush. Honestly, I think its for the best that they do so; aren't there new Assassin's Creed, Borderlands, Halo, Medal of Honor and Call of Duty games coming out this holiday season? @_@
@BPoole96 Well, if its like the PC version of DMC4, it should run great on modern hardware. I thought it was worth the wait, and chances are it'll debut at a cheaper price, too.
@MasterSubith Gotta be tough! Don't change enough and you're accused of being lazy. Change too much and you get accused of violating the game. Talk about no win! Hopefully, the game will be top-notch.
I've not tried any of their games since Kung Fu Chaos, so looks like I've got catching up to do. I'm really looking forward to trying this, although I personally got so used to Nero from DMC4, I 'm not sure how I'll do with Dante again.
@CageFury Most PS3 games are cross-platform, so you have to factor in the developers have a LCD to deal with. In this case, the base 360 (no harddrive) is the problem. Optical drives are much slower than harddrives, so steaming off a disc is nowhere nearly as good as caching to drive. Similarly, if you can't cache, well, its harder to get around RAM limits.
You'll need to look at PS3 exclusives, and preferably big-budget ones. Cross-platform engines are pretty good, let us all enjoy more games, but they won't take advantage of a system as well as one made specifically created and optimized for a single one.
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