American game development died a while back. It's a bunch of non-gaming SJWs at these companies who are more concerned with "diversity and inclusivity in gaming" than in making games that are actually fun. RIP America. RIP Xbone.
@phili878: I didn't like Mr X. at first but that tension he adds for the hour or two he's around is worth the price of admission alone. Aside from the non-central save-rooms and clock tower, there is nowhere in that mansion he won't find you and turning a corner to see him beelining for you while you can hear a licker in the hallway behind you is without a doubt, the best terror any game has ever instilled.
PPS, this game is MADE for headphone (or really good sound setup) play. The sound is everything in this game. Hearing Mr. X and being able to place his approximate whereabouts is really cool thanks to the binaural audio.
@brunorr: PSX-era gaming was innovative and fantastic. REmake2 is the new gold standard for how to do a remake. I played the piss out of the original and this one is still managing to surprise, scare, and challenge me. But yeah, almost all of the western studios now are more focused in pushing their intersectional feminist SJW horsecrap agenda on to gamers. It's destroying those studios (Bio, Dice, Ubi, Acti-Blizz) and franchises. It's gonna' be up to Japan to save the industry again.
This game is great. This game is flipping hard. As a veteran of the OG PSX Resident Evils, I can unequivocally say this version is much harder (at least on hard). It's absolutely great. I don't scare easily but this game nails fear.
@Shantmaster_K: Honestly, I doubt Pinkerton consulting & Investigations, Inc. gives a rats ass how their company looks to a bunch of gamers. What they are definitely interested in is a piece of that Rockstar money pie.
Chippiez's comments