There will be a pendulum shift away from this rabid intersectional theory invading anything and everything. God, I cannot wait for men to be men, women to be women and people to be judged on their character, not the color of their skin again.
@scudfist: If it sounds like it was written by a spoiled, narcissistic, trust fund millennial, then it was. Actually, that's all that work at GameSpot. A bunch of spoiled, mommy-still-takes-care-of-me SJW neck-beard millennials :D
@zmanbarzel: EA games "good"? Nah... EA is where franchises and studios go to die. Let's count the Studios. Origin, Maxis, Bioware, Dice, Pandemic, Visceral. There are a dozen more I'm forgetting. All are dead or dying. All of these studio's marquee franchises are either dead or turned into goat-poop. EA has learned the art of consolidation and economies of scale when it comes to development. Their games are cookie-cutter crapfests.
Chippiez's comments