@europeitch: What? Are you really that dumb? 720p is not hald the lines refreshing back and forth. both 720p and 1080p are progressive scan. That means all lines are refreshing at same time. 60hz-240hz depending on TV. You're getting mixed up with 1080i. 720P is 60% the pixels of 1080p. Hence lower detail at same resolution. That's it. Period. Bye
@cojuelodevil: Who isn't aware you can donate money to cancer charities? The problem isn't awareness. The problem is innefective management and stewardship of resources at most charities turns off a lot of people. Why should the CEO of a charity get 500,000 a year just because his for-profit counterpart would? Meanwhile a bunch of average, every-day people volunteer their time for free, but the goddamned CEO.. He's important and critical... and must be compensated by a board of others who are also "fairly compensated for their time involvement and expertise".
Meanwhile the nurse coming in on her off day to work with the kids without seeking or receiving a paycheck. If the money went to provide THOSE people the resources and tools they need to continue doing good, more people would give more to charities.
St. Judes is alright. I give them 50$ a month and have for the past 8 years. I don't agree with all of their practices and spending of money, but they get it *mostly right*. That's why so many people *DO* donate to them. But a lot of supposed "charities" spend 30% of inbound money on executive/mgmt compensation, another 30% on increasing the money coming in, another 30% on feelies for the donors to make them feel good about their donation and the remaining 10% actually helping the cause. You have to be very judicious with who you give your money to if you actually want to affect positive change.
#@ggregd: This is a GAMING site. Not a feel-good site for pontification on "social good". That's what makes you a SJW-- your inability to objectively extricate emotions and opinions from anything and looking to turn *everything* into some sort of social agenda piece.
CANCER is BAD. No one is going to argue that.
What parent of children who suffer or die from cancer go through is equally BAD. No one is going to argue that.
Just because a "game" makes the above statements and you agree with them and sympathize with the creator doesn't mean that anything they cobble together as a COMMERCIAL PRODUCT should be immune from objective critique or commentary. Giving a 9 "because it's cancer and it's sad!" is the very essence of poor journalism. Perhaps the theming and emotional aspect of the game is great as it forces an introspective deep-dive on life, death and all of that stuff. But as this COMMERCIAL PRODUCT presents itself as a GAME, it must also be reviewed as such and as a GAME, this title falters and falls flat on it's face. There is no skill involvement. There is no outcome you can affect. As an interactive novel or whatever, maybe it's the best thing ever. As a game, it's as bad as cancer itself.
Also, telling others to ignore a group of people because *YOU* dislike their view or opinion, as if your opinion is any more valuable than mine or Ollie's or anyone else on this site is the epitome of that self-placating, self-aggrandizing egocentric narcissim that embodies the very fabric of SJW. THAT'S F%$(ING DOUCHEY crap. That's what makes you a SJW.
So while I think you're a complete moron, I will never tell anyone it's "Safe to completely ignore you". Because people can make THEIR OWN GODDAMNED MIND, FFS.
Cancer is terrible. If this game is a biopic of what the dev personally went through with a child, that is heart-wrenching and I do sympathize with them. But just as cancer is terrible, so too, is this "game". Sorry. Rating the game a 9 because you "hate cancer" (Who doesn't? And who HASN'T lost multiple people to it? -- and for those lucky few who haven't, no, this "game" doesn't come close to capturing the savage nature of the disease) defeats the whole purpose of objective reviews. There is no gameplay. It's another "emotional experience" game. No mechanics, no skill necessary. Should've been writing or film. A pity "9".
Screw it, Imma' make a game called, "That demon, Lou Gehrig" and watch the 9's come rolling in from the "Feels" crowd of emo California-based SJWs.
Chippiez's comments