woooaahh I didn't even know I made this! I forgot all about it! I clicked on it and I thought I'll just post on it but it turns out to be my topic:shock:
Who's getting Oblivon? If you already have it can you tell me what it's like and if it's good. BTW only tell me if it's good if you have the PC version not the Xbox360 thanks.
I am preparing for the haters and the flamers, but for those of you who know me....SE can go to hell, when will I buy FFXII you ask? ummm how about 3 years after its released, considering I've waited at least that long since it was orignally promised to be released, I'm in no hurry now and as far as I'm concerned they can fire their whole development team because they're pathetic........hate me if you want but those that know me understand my feelings :P :PThe1andOnlyMG
okay.........anyway i'll probabaly get it on the second or third day of release.
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