I don't know whether a good or a bad news for this one. But I thought, it's time ... yeah, it is the time for Activision to let go the Bond's game franchise.
I mean, we are in the Gaming Era of PS3 and PC (Sorry Xbox). Mostly Bond's games were dull, boring & predictable. It went out on PS3, but somehow I'm feeling that this is a game for Xbox (w/out 360). Graphics were so-so. Gameplay... None of any significant changes. Story... We are just playing the movie.
Why don't Bethesda or those Japan's companies take the Bond franchise? It'd be strange at first, I bet. But, they produced Games with Quality. :P
Geez .. This is why I hate Sega, small improvement. It's PS3 ... Come on ... This fighting system looks like PS2. Few enemies, limited fighting area, simple movement.
It does a great Job in crossover. Reminded me of Nintendo era,, where there are no save point. Makes Megaman (Rockman) hard as hell to be played when I was a boy.
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