@d-man @chre I was new to Demon's Souls when I first played that, did I make a uber-pvp build 1st try? No. Was I able to progress the story and pick up the finer points simply by paying attention to what the game told me? Yes. Did I resort to summoning a friend to help with a boss fight? I did on occasion, yes.
You don't need to immerse yourself in it for 100s of hours to figure out how leveling works, just the ability to look at in game menus and button prompts with a little curiosity will do that.
Your review, I don't get it. Yes, the stat screen is an initally confusing mess, but with a button press it brings up a tooltip that you can move around and it tells you what everything is and what it does. When you increase a stat it shows stats in blue that increase, at this point again you can use the tooltip to see what it's doing. If after 25hrs you still don't understand what the stat screen is telling you, that likely isn't the game's fault.
Same with weapon stats, you can use the tooltip to see what stats you need to use the weapon and when you level a scaling stat it shows in blue the attack rating changes.
Bonfires, when you rest at them a menu opens up with a few options, selecting any options other than rest or travel you get a 2nd screen where it explains what will happen, e.g. burn - it tells you right there that burning an effigy reduces the chance you will be invaded or engage in co-op.
Simply reading what is written on the screen should have made you think 'hmm, perhaps burning effigies isn't what i need to do?'
The inventory screen can become something of a clusterfuck later on, but scrolling through each item tells you what it is and essentially what it does, since you get your 1st effigy right at the beginning of the game there'll be barely 5 other things in there, so it won't even be that hard to find it and go 'oh, an effigy, what does the tooltip say?'
Also if the game is too hard, there's a pretty well populated co-op system where you can let other people kill everything for you and you can move on.
Seriously, the combat is just recognising patterns and stamina management. Watch as the foe does his attack pattern at thin air as you circle behind him, hit him, repeat. Not hard. The game is a bit cheap in places where it throws multiple enemies at you, but then you need to roll away a bit too.
Finally, if you can't be bothered to speak to the very limited pool of NPCs in Majula at the beginning of the game, then again, that's on you.
@Ayebang Because on 360 every online service besides the store is blocked otherwise, on PS it's a bonus games service, until next gen when it becomes more necessary.
@jacquelineferre @chre Well, I can't can I, cos all your posts got deleted. Though I did spot some where you were going on about how she was still a man regardless of what she believed. A belief she isn't entitled to, despite your previous post about your beliefs always being a good thing
Believe what you like, your comments will still be deleted. Type stuff that isn't bigoted and they won't be, it's not hard. e.g. I didn't like this review, cos i disagree with its assertion that GTA5 is mysoginistic because... then state your opinions to support that. Saying this review is bad cos the writer is transgender with an agenda adds nothing.
chre's comments