@Deferet @rasputin177 No, he was down on the game adding a tedious cutscene explaining how ducks can breathe in space, not the actual breathing in space bit.
I quote "Endless cutscenes explain in painful detail how farcical situations--such as how ducks can breathe on the moon--are possible. Not only do these plentiful scenes disrupt the pacing, but they lack any semblance of personality. They're a bland addition and completely unnecessary."
Although I accept he did describe it as farcical, but that's now what he was picking fault with.
@komuchen @chre @wiLLie2222 The game footage I've watched looks fucking tedious and dull, worth every point of the 4.5 he's given it, so yea, I wil make excuses for him, thanks.
@wiLLie2222 infinite lives is on easy mode, reviewers genrally don't play on easy mode. Given how tedious he found it, I doubt he felt like replaying each difficulty to find out.
chre's comments