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#1 chris_kay
Member since 2006 • 104 Posts
[QUOTE="way2funny"]How do you rename the Benirus Manor (i heard you can rename it)
and how would i sell a house?

To Rename it you would have to use the construction set, and create your own little mod.

Theres no way to do it in game as far as I am aware. You cant sell houses. Unless you are willing to make your own mod again. However this would be a more complex mod to make and not for someone starting out at mods. I don't know someone may have created one though.

Though really if you get the money to buy houses you must be ok at getting money through other means, so why bother selling the house, its a good place to stash your treasured possesions. :)
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#2 chris_kay
Member since 2006 • 104 Posts
hi all, i have a quick question about mods for oblivion. all the mods i downloaded off gamespot ask me to replace files in the DATA\Textures folder... the thing is that i dont have a folder called that in the games directory.... am i doing somethind wrong where or am i being a noob?im_back

the directory by default is

C:/Program Files/Bethesda Softworks/Oblivion/Data

Assuming C is the hard drive its installed on.

Sometimes subfolders of textures that your asked to put in are not there, but its strange the folder itself would not be.

If its not there post back.
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#3 chris_kay
Member since 2006 • 104 Posts
Theres 4 main games 2 spin off and 2 expansions for morrowind. Total 8 games.

Elder scrolls : Arena
Elder scrolls II: Daggerfall
Elder scrolls III: Morrowind
  Elder scrolls III: Morrowind: Tribunal
  Elder scrolls III: Morrowind: Bloodmoon
Elder scrolls IV: Oblivion

Elder scrolls: Redgaurd
Elder scrolls: Battlespire
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#4 chris_kay
Member since 2006 • 104 Posts
[QUOTE="troublemaker83"]Alright, this might just be me but I believe Bethesda made Oblivion way to easy. Don't get me wrong...I really love the game, but I think it's to easy. My difficulty setting is set in the middle (and I'm contemplating on making it as difficult as possible) of the scale and I'm still breezed through the game.

The quests no longer require any real thought in how to complete them - the map markers make them way too easy to complete...the guilds no longer have any requirements (they just accept you no matter what)...and overall, the game is just to short - I completed all guild and main quests (allong with most of the side and daedric quests) in just a couple days...and I only played a couple hours a day.

Like I said, I do love Oblivion but the game just doesn't seem to deliver as much as all the hype about it promised...while yes, there are some improvements that have been made since Morrowind, but not enough for me to chose to play Oblivion over Morrowind on a regular basis.

I agree with you on some points. I love this game but at times I found it quite simple. I got killed only a few times during the full game. I've heard a few people complain though that it was too difficult on the default mid way, but only a slight movement of the slider made it way easier so they could complete it. Perhaps the oposite is true and a slight movement will make it much more challenging.

I felt that oblivion only felt like half an elder scrolls game at points, theres serious restrictions in Dialouge & plot options. I miss a lot of the skills they removed, they were usefull. While Dark brother hood and thieves guild quests were great. Fighters guild was 50/50 and the Mages guild (one of my favorites in morrowind) just became repdative, pretty much after you enter the arcane university you repeat an identical mission over and over, just in different locations.

I also noticed one day looking through the Construction set there are missions there tha didn't make it into the game. Theres a whole quest line where a guy belives he is related to Ogres, and asks you to help him form a family reunion, sounds cool but it is actually programed it appears so that that mission could never start. Any one know why this was never completed? was it a quest that didnt work but just got left there or will a future expasion we buy enaable it?

On the plus if you have the pc version you can get acccess to the wonderful mod comunity, there are some great mods out there, you just need to get round the problems the game creates with loading mods once you update the game.
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#5 chris_kay
Member since 2006 • 104 Posts
have a small question about the azura quest. it tells u that u need glow dust for the offering or something like that. ok i got the glow dust from the will-o-wisp and now i have no idea wat to do. it says make ur offering at noon or dawn or watever but evertime i come and i click on the status nothing happenes, can any1 help me pleasegin_maiden

Basicly you need to click on the statue at dawn or dusk I think about 5-7 in the morning or 5-7 at night . Go at these times and it should work. Just wait till the right time at the statue then make your offering.

You also need to be level 2, I think to do this quest but i'll asume your way past that if you took on a will'o'wisp
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#6 chris_kay
Member since 2006 • 104 Posts
WOOHOO, a very nice person helped me with my problem, thats my mod problem not my sanity, see my earlier post as its to much to type again.

Ok the full credit of this goes to jmrnjtb of the all about RPG forum

heres what he said

[QUOTE="jmrntjb"] Updating Mods For New Versions of Oblivion

Some mods need to be updated each time a new patch is released for Oblivion, otherwise they may not work properly or at all. In such cases, it is wise to check the mod sites for a new version of the mod shortly after a patch is released. Otherwise changes to certain gameplay parameters may conflict with that in the new patch, and cause unintended consequences.

However, for simple mods which only have replacement textures, sounds or images, and hence no chance of actually conflicting with the latest patch update, you can resolve this easily yourself. Oblivion usually considers any replacement file 'old' if the file dates are older than that of the main Oblivion.esm file, and doesn't load them up. You can change the dates on your existing mod files yourself quickly and easily, following these instructions:

1. Download the free FileDate Changer utility (20KB).

2. Extract the contents and run FileDate.exe

3. In the program, click 'Add Files', then browse to the mod directory where replacement textures reside. For example, for the LOD Texture Replacement files this should be Program FilesBethesda SoftworksOblivionDatatextureslandscapelodgenerated.

4. Select all the mod files there (hold down SHIFT and highlight all the files), then click Open.

5. Back in the main program window, change the Creation and Modified dates to some new date, such as tomorrow's date (i.e. newer than the day you patched Oblivion).

6. Click 'Change File Dates' and it's done.

This method only works for mods which are simple replacements of existing Oblivion data, primarily mods based on texture, sound and image changes. I don't recommend this for any other type of mod which affects gameplay for example, and if you find it doesn't work properly for you, see further above for links to more detailed instructions.

I've got that from

Still to try it but looks like it will work.
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#7 chris_kay
Member since 2006 • 104 Posts

I press W and I walk forward... until I hit a wall... and I keep walking into that wall for a while... until the next keystroke loads into the darm thing... then I do it 15 or 20 times......

Help! I wanna play!


Stupid question but are you hitting the right key as Q (by default) right next to W is walk forward continuously. USed on those long horse rides where your fingers get sore. Its a simple mistake i've done once or twice. pressing S(back) W(forward) or Q normally cancel it, but not A and D (left and right) for obvious resons. If you want to make sure rebind Q to some where else on the keyboard far away like P so you only hit it when needed. If it still keeps hapening, It sounds like you have a bad copy/install of the game, Windows is screwing up (again), or theres a fault with your Keyboard.
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#8 chris_kay
Member since 2006 • 104 Posts
As I said, find where your saved game files are, make copies and set them aside. Before you do that though, make a recent save by presing escape, then "save new game." If you try to make a copy of your auto or quicksaves, and load them into the reinstalled Oblivion, it may not work. There should be info somewhere, maybe on that'll tell you exactly how to back-up your saved games.jedinelson

Its ok I know how to do that. LOL
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#9 chris_kay
Member since 2006 • 104 Posts
Your saved games should be in a folder somewhere. There's an oblivion folder in c:\ProgramFiles\Oblivion and the other I think is in MyDocuments possibly in the MyGames folder in MyDocuments. In one of them should be a saved games folder. I know this because this is the case in all video games. Find that saved games file, make a copy of the folder or a copy of the saved games, set it aside somewhere and deinstall Oblivion. Then, reboot your computer, reinstall Oblivion, reboot, and put those saved games back in the folder. You'll have to reinstall any plug-in you installed as well. This will give your game a fresh start. As mentioned above, make sure any background programs like anti-virus and such are off when you run Oblivion.jedinelson

Thanx for the reply, the thought had crossed my mind. I wanted that fix though. Oh well guess Ill just have to do a major security training slog with bad graphics then reinstall everything. lol.

30 levels wont take me long right? :?
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#10 chris_kay
Member since 2006 • 104 Posts
Ok I have a serious problem, well its not serious its just a right pain in the rear.

I saw last night that the new patch was out, read the release notes, one thing jumped out at me

"Fixes bug where you cant level a skill after it has been raised by a reward shuch as a deadraic quest". I thought great, I'll take that since I cant raise security since getting the skeleton key, not that I need to with the skeleton key, but its one of my major skills. So I installed it and it works I can now level. Thats where the good stuff ends.

My Graphics have gone straight to hell. It wont render buildings till im practically 10 feet away, moderately far land is a blob os green that looks awful and often I can be a few feet away and it still has a smoth poorly textured plane superinposed on top of the landscape, its like the distance view that removes all the groves and valleys of the land when your miles away is still present when your standing in them (if you understand what i mean, Ill need to get some screens)

Half my mods have stopped working. The esp mods are ok, its texture mods. Pretty much anything from the make it pretty pack doesnt work. Including irritatingly the better night sky. I loved that. Also Jarrods Oblivion textures

My coloured oblivion map by p1p3 (got form TES source) has stopped working.
BEAUTIFUL STARS V1.0 By Cylume "Pokeil" has stopped working

In fact the only working mods I now have are the official ones.
and the daedric horse armour mod, that adds to the official mod, and the better pirate flag, for the thieves den.

I've reinsstalled all the mods to make sure, as it deleted files and removed the archieveinvalidation.txt but no change.

I've double checked all my settings in game and they are fine.

Is anyone else having these problems?

I would recomend anyone with a lot of mods holds back and doesn't get the patch until these issues are fixed unless you really need to have some of the game bugs fixed.

Ideas please :cry:
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