chrissi-chan Blog
My Collection
by chrissi-chan on Comments
Good News, and Bad News
by chrissi-chan on Comments
Well, the bad new is, I still haven't managed to find a job. The good news is, my grandpa's working again and I got to get two new games for my PS2, one for my DS, and one for the PC since I've gone so long without so much as rentals. Then he also payed the extra seven bucks to Blockbuster for me to keep a PS2 game rental I really didn't want to return, which technically gives me THREE new PS2 games.. :P
by chrissi-chan on Comments
This sucks...My grandpa quit his job, with nothing to fall back on. I can't buy or even rent any new games anymore cause we can't afford it. :cry: So I have come to a very important decision;on top of school and driver's ed, I'm going to have to get a job. Otherwise, I won't get any of the things I want, since my grandparents can only afford to worry about essentials right now. They still give me $1.06 to get a double cheeseburger at McDonald's before my best friend's mom picks the two of us up after school though.:P
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