Games I Own

Game Release Date GameSpot Score Chrissi-chan's Score

Shadow of Memories (Konami the Best)


Shaman King: Power of Spirit


Shining Tears


Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu


Silent Hill 3


Silent Hill: Shattered Memories


SoulCalibur II


SoulCalibur III


Space Channel 5: Special Edition


Star Ocean: Till the End of Time


Suikoden III (Konami the Best)


Summer Heat Beach Volleyball


Tales of Legendia


The Bard's Tale


The Bouncer


The Legend of Dragoon


The Sims


The Sims 2


The Sims 2


The Sims 2


The Sims 2 University


The Sims 2: Apartment Pets

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The Sims 2: Castaway


The Sims 2: Pets


Time Hollow: Ubawareta Kako o Motomete


Tottoko Hamtaro 3: Love Love Daiboken Dechu

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Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2


Tron ni Kobun: RockMan Dash Series


Vagrant Story


Wild Arms 3


Xenosaga Episode I Reloaded: Chikara e no Ishi


Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose


Xenosaga Episode III: Zarathustra wa Kaku Katariki


Yu Yu Hakusho - Ghost Files: Tournament Tactics

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Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament


Yu-Gi-Oh! Capsule Monster Coliseum

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Shin Duel Monsters II: Keishou Sareshi Kioku (Konami the Best)


Zero (PlayStation 2 the Best)


Zero: Shisei no Koe
