could someone pleasepost a url of a really really gooddurable,and reliableethernet cabel. i needit to be about 100'. also where can you purchasean ethernet connector(to connect lets say 2, 50' cables) if needed.
christian1993's forum posts
Orb Hunter- Crackdown Seriously- Gears of War Grizzled Veteran- COD3 General- COD3 Best of the Best- Rainbow Six Vegas Touring Duty and Combat Medal- Chromehounds Survivalist- FEAR Real Ultimate Power- TMNT 1989 ArcadeClinton015
if survivalist is the thing where you dont die that is freakin easy. i just played it on easy. be it in like 8 hours. maybe less maybe more.
[QUOTE="-InsrtNameHere-"]Gears on insanebxgtsame, there should be an achievement for beating raam in less then a minute.
me too, to be honest its not really that hard until you get to raam because he is pretty much impossible to kill.
you people have heard of xbox 360 elite rite if you have do you think it was a waste or a good idea i personaly think its because of the ring of life thing and they just were like hey since all these ppl are having problems why dont we fix the problem and advance the systemLazeral776
i like it. it has so much space for demos and stuff. i have like 20 demos and i still have like 90 gigs.
What are you most excited about and why? Do you think the 4 player liveco-op is true or just a rumor? Will the arbiter be a playable character? Will there really be a remake of Lockout?? Will there be clan support?
All of the above.
[QUOTE="RandomTask221"][QUOTE="btwin92"]ok im back. i never understood people making fun of a game because its girly. unless youre buying dora the explorer or something like that it doesnt matter. if its a fun game buy it. the people who make fun of them are just missing out on a great game.btwin92
hey... don't diss Dora... >_>.... :lol:
lol shes an illegal immigrant. heres why, she has a backpack full of everything she needs to survive, shes 5 and speaks perfect spainish, shes walks through the forest by herself, swiper isborder patrol (trying to get her) the list goes on.
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