Some parts are easy, other parts are hard. Spend some time getting really comfortable with the controls.
For people having trouble in the first village scene. The major point of the encounter is to get you used to the game in a trial by fire. It also is designed to drain you of ammo and health to really give you the feeling that you're playing a survival horror game.
Try to village a few times, get a strategy together, then restart the game with your knowledge and better handle on the controls.
Two solid areas to wait out the first major encounter are the first and third buildings on the left.
The first is a barn with a loft that offers a very defendable area. Just keep dodging the things they throw and keep knocking down the ladder to knock over the villagers and buy time. One problem is that there isn't really any help if you run out of ammo.
The third door brings you to the greatest asset to any zombie slayer, the shotgun! It has a disadvantage of several areas you have to defend and can get a bit hectic.
Another option is to book it through and if you can get around a certain chainsaw wielding pain-in-the-patootie, then you can limp to the next area.
My suggestion is to use the back entrance to the village, go into the second building (the door is on the side), pilfer the cupboards for ammo, jump out the back window and pick up the herb, then go to the third building and pick up the boomstick and any ammo. Block the doors to slow the masses then travel along the roof tops and jump down in front of the first building with the loft. Stake a claim to the loft and hold them off until the bells tolls (for whom?!).
If you can avoid getting stuck in a large group, you should make it through with a decent bit of ammo and healing items to give you a solid ground for the next encounters. Try to stockpile ammo, practice your aim, learn to use your knife when you aren't being overrun. Emphasis on the SURVIVAL part of the game makes the game much easier in the latter parts. It's tempting to blow through cases of ammo, but as they become scarce later in the game, do your best to save today and avoid tight situations later.
what i do is wait to get the shotgun so you dont have to kill the chainsaw guy. i run in to get the peoples attention then run back to the door were you come from. kill the guys standing near the door turn around and what i do is shoot there heads and then kick them.I usually have plenty of ammo after that part.
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