i cant believe it it took me like a vary long time to get the handcanon on the GC but on the Wii i got it in a little bit over one day.
christian1993's forum posts
I finished RE4 for the Wii last night, and i enjoyed it. Why wouldn't I, its an amazing game. But I still prefer the GC version better. I like the Wii version with the controls, but they did feel very awkward at times. Especially at high action times and when lots of enemies surround you. They just didn't seem for work right. But my biggest gripe with the Wii version is the boss battles were dumbed down severely. Most notably was the knife fight with Krouser toward the end. Normally that fight has some kind of challenge to it with having to use the knife and dodging his attacks. But in the Wii version I beat him in literally 15 seconds. What a rip off. Its one of my favorite moments in the game, and I beat him that quick. I was so mad. I prefer the laser aiming method over using the Wiimote for some reason. I liked the laser better than that weird on screen aimer. Even if I had to hold "R" to aim. In close quarters the Wiimote is very clunky and just bad.
To keep this short, the Wii version is still a worthy pick up, but if you haven't played the GC version I suggest trying that one. In my opinion its much better. If it wasn't for the fact that the boss fights suck in the Wii version I probably would've selected the Wii version overall, but a boss fight is supposed to be epic and memorable, not last 15 without getting hit. If for some crazy reason you've never played RE4 over the past 2 years, pick up the Wii version, but for the die hard fans, stick to the GC version.
RE4 for the Wii 8.5/10
RE4 for the GC 9.5/10
RE4 for the PS2 9/10 (GC had better graphics and the control felt better)
Use the classic controller it plays just like the original
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