the only thing that i find weird in all this, is why is so hard for apple to win this "battle" when is so obvious all of samsung copies , so... patents are not really very helpful it seems
christiankhs-2's forum posts
[QUOTE="christiankhs-2"]Sorry but you can't really insult the U-pad gimmick since both Microsoft and Sony are doing it to an extent, with Vita and Smart Glass, and can I ask how you know throughout the Wii U's life cycle it's games are all underwhelming?? And no it is never a good thing for a console to fail, never! It may be a good thing to come in last for a generation a la PS3 or Gamecube, but it is not a good thing for a console to outright fail like the Vita is now, that is why I hope the Vita picks up steam and the Wii U does at least as well as the PS3 and Xbox.kind of, if they dont do too good it would be better because that could be a lesson for them and then they could make things BETTER , but if the WiiU is very successful they are going to say "people dont want good graphics they only want gimmicks and underwhelming games", etc...
well, i say underwhelming games because its what i see so far IMO and saying that it can get better games in the future is speculation, maybe if the Wii U doesnt sell well at launch they are going to realize that we really need more than a lazy 2d mario or stuff like nintendoland and (just SOME )3rd party 360 ports, i mean with the Wii i was sick of hearing that "X" game was comming to 360 and PS3 only, i was sick of that, i dont want that to happen again
and i didnt meant that is good they FAIL like the virtual boy or something, just not being in first place is enough to give them a lesson
kind of, if they dont do too good it would be better because that could be a lesson for them and then they could make things BETTER , but if the WiiU is very successful they are going to say "people dont want good graphics they only want gimmicks and underwhelming games", etc...
yea Nintendo is freaking lazy, this reminds me of Luigi mansion , i dont remember what was the reward for getting all the money on that game , it was something similar isnt?
...Especially considering the obvious fact that the PS3's exclusives were too much to contend with this gen as well as last gen.
Pitting Nintendo against Sony does nothing for a debate being that Sony has crushed Nintendo 3 gens straight. Let's not forget that the Wii is a ghastly 6th gen console. (Doesn't matter if you'd like to see it otherwise, let's consider facts a moment, the Wii was not able to pull off multiplats because it was incapable of doing so with such weak hardware)
Where's Microsoft?
I'd suppose sitting atop Nintendo's burial mound whilst Sony's using the 360 as a paperweight to brainstorm the next awesome Sony exclusive.
Just saying.
ms gens won: 0/2
sony gens won: 2/3
/\ THIS.
Nintendo gens won:
consoles: 3/5
handheld 5/5 :lol:
its very simple, "sports" its a concept created by humans so its definition is subjetive, now, if the sports concept was created by one person (which i doubt is the case) the "sport" definition would be the one that the creator of the concept gives to it , but since nobody knows who created sports since is something that has been evolving through time nobody really can affirm that "e-sport" is a good term or not.
but i think is fair that a group of expert people or sports involved people or whatever could give it a definition and all the people should accept that as a "fact":D
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