Sony plays this game of being more powerful every console launch. I remember it well during PS3 launch. It became apparent quickly that both consoles were equally powerful through the games it released.
Now, to Sony's benefit I also remember that games they had during launch or on the horizon were very very compelling. Ratchet and Klank is one of my favorite games and I was mad as hell Xbox didn't have that franchise.
But this time while Sony is playing up the hardware again the launch titles and what is on the horizon for PS4 seems dim. I am not dissing PS4 in any way but to me I think the flood gates are coming and I don't know how Sony is going to be able to compete.
It's not just TitanFall and Halo 5 but the entire app ecosystem that Microsoft is threatening with.
Skype for example. Does everyone realize that instead of being huddled real close to ones laptop now a family of 5 can sit on the living room couch and Skype cousin Joey in San Fran? There is nothing and will be nothing on Sony's PS4 to match this amazing technological reality.
Yea the cable overlay may be kind of stupid but in reality the one guide idea that mixes in Netflix to Skydrive is oh so compelling.
I think the story for Xbox One is going to get stronger and stronger every single year. By the end of this console war I could see Sony perhaps abandoning ship.
To be honest the Steam Box is more compelling right now than the PS4.
of course IMHO.
What are you honest and non-trolling thoughts about the issue - I am interested in what thoughtful comments say about this.
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