The only thing I can't stand is how many great 3DS titles there are and I have only gotten to play them via friends. I have poor vision and it's hard to play handhelds :(
I absolutely loved Link Between Worlds. That game alone is worth the system in my opinion. It also tends to have the cooler, more experimental games. I wish so badly that these games could be ported over with better graphics to consoles, but alas, Nintendo is raking in the bucks on 3DS system sales and they know it. They also know the games are cheaper to make...
This simple fact is why it doesn't even matter if the Wii-U does well, but it is! I'm just bitter. So many great handheld titles that people think the mainstream audience wouldn't buy nowadays. It kills me having grown up on some of the best RPGs ever made :/ I'd do anything to play the top 3DS games on a big screen.
In terms of popularity the Wii-U is a fail. I'm just saying it had the best games this year regardless. The general public is usually wrong. Destiny was too much hype. It sold systems, but it also let down a lot of players. I know two of them personally and I'm glad I didn't fall for it. I don't think as far as system sales go Nintendo will have a chance for a long time to come (and I played since NES), but they deserve serious props for fun factor and uniqueness even if they fall short on sales. There's two types of success. I'm not really speaking in terms of financial success, if that makes sense. The most money means the most resources and it's all well and good, but it still doesn't mean it's the most fun. Unless you're Rocksteady, Rockstar, Bioware, or in some cases Ubisoft odds are money doesn't equal quality.
Anyway, I plan on buying a PS4, Wii-U, and upgrading my PC. That's where I hope to be sitting by Winter 2015.
I don't entirely disagree with you, but I am retaining some hope for innovation.
Uncharted 4, Tomb Raider 2, and Arkham Knight will no doubt be great games, but no one can deny that the rehashes are becoming tiresome. I want more depth and character development thrown in at the very least.
It IS possible Wii-U takes 2015, but it's too early to say IMHO. One things for sure, Xbox One has to pick up their game and they gotta do it fast. Halo 5 is not enough and the new Fable might be alright, but it's not a system seller. PS4 is in a solid position though.
The industry needs innovation desperately. I'm just quite excited for some of the more interesting titles like Bloodborne. It may look like a Souls re-hash, but I think there's more here than meets the eye. Besides the fact that it has signs of From Software (which isn't a bad thing in my book), there's promise on the horizon. That would be the first game I might buy a PS4 and it's slated for Feb.
The reason the Wii-U might not take 2015 in my book, is simply because people want the best graphics and they will not find that on cross platform titles on the Wii-U, but the Wii-U certainly has a lot of fun on the way.
Who would want to play ME4 (Working Title) on the Wii-U when they have every other platform to choose from? I may also be delusional, but I have high hopes that FF14/KH3 can help Sony A LOT, but it's not an easy task. If they fail to make these games, great, I will be done with Square Enix forever. I won't be fooled again.
Then telling all your friends 2014 is the year of the Wii-U and being laughed out of the room, except for the one person who took my advice.
New Mario Bros U, 3D World, Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros shortly, Hyrule Warriors for some uninspired but ridiculously fun co-op, and now a classic action game, Bayonetta 2.I'd include Windwaker HD and Monster Hunter, but they're re-makes, albeit well done ones. Maybe not everyone loves these genres, but I'm a gamer since 86' and I love all games, regardless of the platform.
Don't get me wrong - 2015 is the year the PS4 and Xbox One will dominate and by the end of 2015 Wii-U will not be on top, but I feel pretty bad for people who bought the PS4 and Xbox One at launch. Research goes a long way and games are all that will ever matter.
Luckily, I got to play all the top Wii-U games at my friend's house this year (Bayonetta 2 aside) since I can't afford new consoles right now!
Inquisition is destined for greatness, but that and Unity are on PC anyway. Same goes for Shadow of Mordor, which is an awesome blend of Arkham/AC/TR btw! I'm just glad some great titles are finally coming out. Besides Mordor, the middling Watch Dogs was released back with Mario Kart 8 in May. It's been a dry summer for non indie games.
Whoever directed/voiced Vanille was hitting the crack pipe. Any character that makes you turn the TV down out of pure embarrassment has an issue. It's the same feeling I get when I finally find a cool anime and then a female character appears and obliterates your ear drums.
Lost Odyssey was not a bad game, but I thought it had a lot of untapped potential and should have been much more. Some strong characters and great writing, with equally weak characters and main villain. The IP didn't sell well enough to warrant a sequel probably. Too bad. I want more Kaim. Vesperia was all around a good game and I also enjoyed Ni No Kuni. There's been some fine RPGs. It just can't compare to PS2/PS1. Not even close. I hope that companies return to focusing on stories/char development again. Most companies failed this gen hard with the exception of Bioware and CDProjekt to name a couple.
I've been replaying Xenogears recently when I'm not on a deadline and in the first 3 hours the story has more to it than this whole gens console line up. I know it had too much text for some people, but I can't believe how it still outshines new games in this department. It's sad, but at least the original is still there to play,
Thank god it's over. The sequels to FF13 were the first square/squaresoft/square enix RPGs I hadn't played since the SNES. This has been a sad generation for the JRPG in general too. Here's hoping Square can make a good game again this gen. It's looking bleak unless FF15 delivers, but I will still look forward to KH3, Xenoblade 2, and Persona 5.
As long as they aren't being pumped out at the rate of one game per year (The ACs aren't bad, but I haven't played the last two still for a reason), I'm on board. I think Rockstar and (shoot me, they still make good games) Bioware made the best games this console gen overall.
Bioware is heading into Ubi territory, but Rockstar has retained some integrity yet for actually producing innovative works.
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