Nothing can save the WiiU because a majority of the people who bought a Wii and made it successful aren't gamers and could care less about a new console that will be outclassed in about 9 months when PS4 and Xbox 720 arrive.
Wrong, there is no way 60% of gamers would not get next gen consoles because of this, and even more to the point, the console makers, developers, and publishers don't care about the gamers who buy most of their games used because they don't make money from them anyway.
I think people these days are to f&%king uptight and need to get a damn life. Remove the sticks from your a$$ and the world is a more fun and enjoyable place.
EA sells 900,000 copies of Madden......Gamers realize they removed the standard offline Franchise Mode from the game.......Half of the sold games are returned. I waited 3 years since buying it and the game plays great, but for Franchise to not be in it is an EPIC FAIL on EA's part.
I can't believe this article. How can a person writing for a game site say this. Used Game sales go only to the retailer (Gamestop) and the developer gets not one cent. So in the opinion of this guy it is alright for Gamestop, who has never developed or published anything, to make profits off other peoples hard work. It sickens me and that is why I only buy New games and support the people who actually make them for me to enjoy.
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