@cinematicgalore said:
@SolidTy said:
It hasn't been updated for GT6 either. It's not that I care either way, but I do care about accuracy and truth.
So you made that statement up?
You should stick to the facts and not post misleading information as fact if you want to be taken seriously.
New accounts posting misleading and inaccurate information as facts are red flags in SW.
Why have you been such a cow as of late?
You bypassed my post to get personal? No need, just don't lie.
I asked for accuracy and truth. I'm not playing any faction game. Why post lies in a forum just to be an uber lem or something?
It's real simple, don't make things up and everything is good.
Personally, I don't like Gran Turismo at ALL (or racing games) but I also don't like reading lies either. Lol at Fiveclub or any other deteriorating Sony series...Just keep things legit and we are good. There is a fine line between laughing at a game and deliberately posting lies and propaganda.
I hate when the media does it and I dislike lying in all forms honestly. Sports stats, electronic states, PR statements, Marketing jargon...Just keep it real.
Make fun of Gran Turismo, Driveclub, or whatever is fine, just don't lie. Praise Halo, GeoW, or Mario. It's fine. Those are great games. I don't care if it's a hermit, cow, sheep, or lemming. I dislike reading inaccuracies and deliberate lies is all.
You said something that was outright false and I just offered a correction. No need to point fingers but if I was going too, it's to point that you outright made a statistic up based on your own OP.
You said Forza 5 and Driveclub outsold GT6 and then your own link stated the exact opposite. When I told you about your statement being seemingly false, you tole me you made it up based on your "confidence" and then preceeded to try and point a fanboy finger at me. I'm not the one making anything up due to a plastic console agenda. I'm simply informing you that your information is false based on your own link in your own OP.
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