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New iFeelWeird Tomrrow!

Hooray! I'm releasing the first iFeelWeird in over 8 months tomorrow! It'll be up right here on Gamespot and on our website.

The new website's not finished, but you can check out what's done at

That's where you'll find the new iFeelWeird tomorrow. :)

iFeelWeird Update

So I thought since Halo 3 is coming out tomorrow I'd give everyone an update on new material from WagAnon.

Near Official Cast:











* - Cast member will not appear regularly (not every episode)

BOLD - New cast member

Let's see.... Zandl has announced a new Dean & Zandl Show to be released Christmas '07, and myself and ColdRanger will be working on a new Ask A Spartan to be released around the same time.

Cookie and I have both got skits ready to record for iFeelWeird, and filming will begin in about a week.

And finally, I'm working on writing a new intro song for iFeelWeird. For those of you who loved Experimental Film by They Might Be Giants, fear not cuz it's not going away completely...

iFeelWeird Officially Returns!

Yep, we're finally doing it. iFeelWeird is finally coming back! With a large portion of the original cast on board (as well as some newcomers to be announced soon): FinishedCookie, dreDREb13, Zandl, deangoR, SkullCrusher213, ColdRanger, SalmonSnow, and UngainlyFire!

So look for Episode 34: iFeelWeird's Return (No Lie) on in OCTOBER!

Ask A Spartan and The Dean & Zandl Show will also return by Christmas!

AND right now you can check out the Wagners Anonymus podcast, where you can get all your favorite WagAnon videos on your iPod for free! Just go to the iTunes store and search Xygni or Wagners Anonymus.

We're all really excited about this, especially me. And I'm so friggin' glad I finally got the Podcast to work. It's harder than it looks. :P


Just a heads up here...

FinishedCookie and I have been talking about a new machinima....

No details and no promises yet...

We may also bring back iFeelWeird with some of the original cast...

Toragon, dreDREb, ColdRanger, JCM, SkullCrusher are all on board...

Pokemon Black Market

Hi guys. I'm looking to trade a bunch of my Pokemon. I have a male and female of every Pokemon from Ruby and Sapphire, so I can get you virtually any Pokemon in about a day. However, I do need to slowly get all my Pokemon onto my Diamond version, so only a few of these Pokemon will be available right away. Why am I doing this? I'm not really sure. I'm just bored and I feel like helping. Though I won't take just any Pokemon.

The site can be found here:

Tell me what you think of this idea, and if you want any Pokemon, just email me or post.

Random Thoughts- 3/14

Various Random Thoughts

-To me, pizza crust is very anti-climactic. It's like, "Damn, this pizza was tasty and flavorful! I wish I had some dry, stale bread to finish it off with!"

-I think the sequel to Gears of War should be called Gears of European Neutrality. You would play as Marcus, a Swiss guy who sits back and eats cheese while the whole world is at war.

-I'm so glad not too many people wear yellow clothes.

-Y'know how everyone is atheist now? I wonder what their kids will be like. I bet they'll be like Jesus Freaks, but without the Jesus.

-What were people in the 80's thinking when they got dressed in the morning? They must not have had mirrors back then.

Random Thoughts- 2/11

More Random Random Thoughts

-If objects in the mirror are closer than they appear, why don't we just build everything in the world a bit smaller so it doesn't look closer in the damn mirror?

-Cesar Chavez sounds like a type of ranch dressing to me. Maybe with almond chunks in it... Also, Mahatma Gandhi sounds like a carpet store.

-I think a good Crayola Crayon color would be Apocalyptic Red. It'd be that reddish tint that all post-apocalyptic movies are filmed in.

-If you want to start and end a conversation at the same time, try these:

"Hey, how's the AIDS treatin' ya?"

"How many times have you passed gas today?"

"Hi! I'm Eric, and this is my imaginary friend Steve."

"I love Star Trek."

And this one's for ladies only:

"Where do you see this relationship going?"

-Everyone always wonders how someone discovered that you could milk a cow. What about the guy who discovered sex?

Random Thoughts- 2/9

Random Random Thoughts

-If you're ever in an elevator and there's awkward silence, the best thing to say to break it is "So you guys wanna see a dead body or what?"

- Why does anyone care what the speed of dark is?

- If you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway, then where do driveby shootings occur?

- I think they should make razors in the shapes of lawn mowers. It'd make shaving much more interesting.

-Note to self: Burrito+Pudding+root beer shake= not good

- I think more people should consider the benefits of becoming a cyborg.

Random Thoughts- 2/4

Random Book Thoughts

Remember those “How much is a million” books? Where they’d give you beautifully illustrated examples of how big a million is? I wanna write a book called “How Much Is Zero?” It’d be 100 blank pages long.

I think a good name for a book would be “Old Ladies in A Car.” I don’t know what it would be about, though. I would have to think it would be about old ladies in a car, but that’s just too boring. That only works for the title.

You know the book “Everybody Poops?” I want to write the parent’s companion to it: “Everybody dreams of throwing their kids in a dumpster sometimes.”

I wanna write a science report called “The Effects of Gamma Rays on Man-In-the-Moon Marigolds,” and see if anyone gets it.