After reading many of the threads I can't believe how many ppl are just ignorant and not speaking intellectually. Here's my synopsis of the consoles in an unbias manner:
The Xbox 360 and the PS3 are great systems in the era of next gen gaming. There's no denying that MS is winning so far because of its strong line-up in the library. Also, people need to consider that the X360 was out a year before so the sales generated since then have helped its success. PS3 seems like it will remain a sleeper until mid 2008 when all the games make their debuts especially MGS4, Killzone and SOCOM (believed to be delayed on many sites).
The Hardware plays a tremendous role in games between the X360 & PS3. The X360 is a high-end PC but a console. The PS3 has Blue Ray Technology. What many ppl forget is that Blue Ray is great in terms of visual clarity and sharpness of HD. Now the real reason why PS3 is not doing good in games in comparison with X360 is because Blue Ray is still relatively unknown to the consumers. Also the developers have not had a chance to really work with it to become familiar with its power and technology. So, given the estimated time, it is difficult for Developers to make the game on time which resorts to less then stellar games and delays (we all witnessed this). Some games have stood out for the PS3 but are constantly battered because of Sony. If anybody remembers E3 2005 or 6 Sony made their statement that the PS3 would sell just by the name and that Blue Ray would dominate next gen gaming. Those comments have become the biggest no no in the industry. Once Developers become familiar...well its open season in the battle of dominance in the gaming industry.
Also, Blue Ray is often misconstrued that its just about the visuals. That is all wrong. Sony wanted Blue Ray because of the Gigabyte space each disc holds. Instead of having multiple discs they can benefit of just one. Also more space means more room to work within the game. Meaning that all components within the game will be used to their fullest capacity and potential without worries of sacrificing other components which could kill the game all together. Also Sony needs a new spokesperson for PS3. Someone who doesn't second guess their decisions. Decisions meaning Price: First there was no price cut now there is but then when it runs out they go back to $600 again. $600 may be too much for the average consumer so it definitely needs a change and a permanent one too. SKU: They first release two then they say they don't like having the consumer choose between two SKU but only have one. But then an 80 gb comes out with a rumored 40 gb expected sometime this/next year. Games: Already explained why but still Sony needs to do something in that strategy to eliminate crossovers like DMC4 and keep them exclusive. Because if there are no exclusives then no consolehas a definitive advantage over the other. I like the idea of Exclusives from a business perspective but I love if it is available on all systems as a gamer. Remember I am being unbiased meaning I am trying my best to be neutral so I don't seem like I favor one console over the other.
As for X360 just get the anti-overheating consoles out now before you loose $$$ and consumers. Also make sure that the new ones are reliable because this is coming from a guy who sent his 360 in 4 times for repair. Great service but I would like to benefit from console that I shelled out $400 for. The PS3 is reliable by far I haven't heard anything bad about it but still if MS can do that then their in good shape.
I know you'll read alot so far and I thank you for being mature and courteous. So plz don't flame or troll but give me your opinions whether you agree or disagree doesn't matter because we all benefit from a good debate.
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