@Kev Tyler B and @Chris Hickin this article is more for you keep_it_domestic and masbeu enjoy. I'm lucky not be the fodder when i play cod online lmao. Kind of feel like i wasted my time reading this but I have a few buddies who actually are good.
Actually it is an opinion. It would only be a lie if there was nothing similar about the two story's. Is it not true that the main character in both games did not know who he was or where he is? Why do you have to be inflammatory with every post you make any how. Do you have so much time on your hands that you have a need to start flame wars to have something to do to show off your dazzling personality to a bunch of people you will never meet any how. Your a gaming geek like the rest of us and apparently a mean one at that. Ill have nothing further to say to you from this point out because really I'd like to get back to playing DA2. TTFN fellow nerd.
@frazzle00 Why would I waste time playing both games again? That still will not change my opinion to match yours. I hated the second game much like many people here hate DA2. Its a free country we are all entitled to have opinions that do not agree with frazzlee00.
@texasgoldrush Dude I just felt KPTOR 2 was a complete rip off of KOTOR. The story was Identical for the most part. I felt so ripped off. I am a PC/console gamer that actually pays for my games. I know strange eh. Any how. I don't get all the hate for DA2, Its different than DA:O and I like it. I don't rate it a 94 like PC gamer did ( wow that was a stupid score even for them ) but its a solid 7.5 - 8.0 in my book. BTW i don't get any one who plays any RPG or any game for that matter through more than twice, where do you get the time, don't you have a job, wife, girlfriend children friends I mean come on are you serious or are you BSing to try and make a point?
I loved DA:O, I also Loved ME1 and 2 as well as NWN and KOTOR ( the second one sucked ). I Like DA2 for what it is, an action RPG, it plays better on the PC than the PS3 my PS3 version kept crashing also on the PC version I feel like I have more control over the combat with out the button mashing. I am not a hard core fan of strategic combat, my extent of that in DA:O was to have my mage use the cone of cold in all the boss fights LOL. IS DA2 as good as any of the games I mentioned above, not quite but its still worth playing. I don't think Bio Ware his the changes from the consumers and the Demo was out so you could get a chance to play it. If you tried the demo hated it and still bought the game well i guess shame on you.
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