@sellingthings: But point being, this stuff should be included in the game from the get go. No excuses. It's ridiculous that I'm actually arguing with someone about this.. Goes to show how far gone some people are...
@ltjohnnyrico: You know what I meant. Obviously I'm not expecting the dude to go all extreme and say "mate" and get all "accent-y" I MEANT HIS SHITTY SPELLING, DUR! (Obviously mr. Starship Troopers "Johnny Rico" is being a "smart" ass here.
@sellingthings: Thank you for fixing that broken English. "You mean a bunch of idiots saying " take my money"??? Lmao it's amazing how there are some people who love getting screwed over and actually think they're getting their money's worth. Back then ALL THE LEVELS WERE AVAILABLE FROM THE GET GO. And to unlock extra stuff, you gotta beat the game! Now, you want extra stuff? Buy it! Want extra, EXTRA STUFF!?!? Costumes, weapon skins, unlockables, ect?!? BUY IT! And all the doofus's ......"OK!"
Developers really got you people by the balls you know. Now come at me offended now and give me a counter argument as to why charging for stuff that should be free is a great idea! *Sarcasm.
@asneakypoptart: Wow you're stupid. You like paying extra for things that are supposed to be already included in the main game?!? This is RIDICULOUS. Back about 10 years before DLC, season passes and all that bullshit, games used to ALREADY INCLUDE THESE THINGS. But nooo obviously you were born probably in like 1997 so you missed that part and was born into the era of RIP-OFF.
You need to be slapped upside the head to get some sense into you. THIS EXTRA MAPS SHOULD ALWAYS BE INCLUDED IN THE GAME. This greed is a new practice that didn't take place before. BEFORE, all this was included already...but give the power of the internet and developers see a little sweet opportunity to screw idiots like you over and screw you sideways while you beg for more! Pathetic. At least have some decency and a little self respect.
Wasn't this the game where Capcom said they weren't going to have microtransactions to avoid pissing people off??? But instead they are going to add some paid DLC..(I know first one is free but the later one's aren't.)
clay544888's comments