@idkhow2play: Yeah it's pretty insulting for them to say that they're "bringing the game back to its roots" but slap us in the face with first person perspective...that's not back to the roots...I honestly think they're just too stupid to get it sadly.
You guys seem to forget that the only reason Resident Evil was great, was because of Shinji Mikami. Because after he left, the game went to shit. Oh and what do you know, his last RE game was 4 and after that, it started to completely suck!
He was the mastermind behind Resident Evil. He gets it. While these left over Capcom dummies are desperately trying to match his greatness and are failing miserably..they just don't get it..probably never will without him..I'm already expecting RE7 to be underwhelming because Mikami isn't involved.. Just like how Metal Gear is already starting to fail without Kojima with "Metal Gear Survive" lmao... They need the original masterminds of the games or it's going to underwhelm or fail time and time again.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result..Change the god damn game director! Or bring back Shinji Mikami damnit!
@LinconSixEcho: It's always gotta be about a nap huh? Or maybe there are a lot of things that annoy me about people and hell, in the comment sections where people post "opinions", I gotta vent. So I do..and if that venting is negative, people repel negative so they lash back. Or if it disagrees with there positive "accepting" opinion of the world, they lash back..it's hard being honest. Nap or no nap, my opinion.
@LinconSixEcho: That wasn't approval but ok...I was just being honest. And I think Go has done more harm than good considering so many people have gotten killed over it wouldn't you say?? I can't imagine the good outweighing the bad in that instance...So it isn't petty but it's just opinions..what you believe is what you believe and what others believe is what they believe..sure, it may annoy you and likewise me but there must be a little truth in their side for them to pick that side over yours...Orrrrr they're just being pricks for personal issues..
Complicated subject because of so many variables...so there really isn't going to be an intelligent conversation that leads to an intelligent conclusion because the topic is full of different variables that can contradict themselves like most things in life..so the conclusion you're going to get is an annoying uncertainty of how all people work..there is really "at the moment" no simple way to put it because of the vastness of people and hell, of life itself..this may not make sense, but hell, my opinion..
@dexda: Well said. Trends are some of the most annoying and pathetic things in human existence..a bunch of fake ass people only chasing what's popular rather than what they really love..if they even are aware in the slightest of what they love LMAO...
@Purpledust: Wow you got some bad assumption skills..it must be that purple dust you're on getting to that (obviously) little brain you have there. Or maybe you're just that stupid..I'm ASSUMING both. Lmao.
clay544888's comments