To those that preordered LBP and got the codes did you get a code for Kratos and nariko or just one or the other?
A game that was highly anticapated and it only got a 5.0.. thats pretty sad in this day with all of this great technology.
Which should i get.. Soul Calibur 4 or Madden 09??Im looking for a game thatll keep me occupied for a whilethanks in advance.
yep i was thinking about getting LBP first also... but i mean Dead Space also looks incrediable.... thanks for your help.
LBPProject orginDead Space Spiderman Web of shadowsNaruto ultimate ninja storm?Which one should i get??
yea... im deffintly gonna buy XII but to be honest id reather have Versus XII then XII so ill go with remake
WHAT??? but i thought SE even said that they will anounce a sequel or something like that involving FF7...well this sucks..
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