clubsammich91's forum posts
Oh hai this thread is full of good examples of the typical PC gamer on these forums; acting and talking as if they're the gaming god's gift to Earth. :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:[QUOTE="Kimbo_Slyce"]
[QUOTE="dakan45"]with all that crap thrown to us pc gamers...and all those developers focusing on consoles, i never doubt that crytek will also pursue the console moneymaking... But anyway i wanna see how diffient the console and pc versions will look and how diffirent and dumbed down the gameplay will be in the consoles. Now i know there are people that are like: "crytek are gods and wont forshake us" But i thought the same for iron storm and then.... they made deus ex invisible war.... :cry: so i can predict that there is a high chance that crysis 2 wont look amazingly better than the console versions and the gameplay will be very dumbed down.... :DHanass
Dumbing down the "gameplay" is obviously going to happen. Damn imagine playing at Painkiller and Quake 3 like speeds with a joypad. That would be insane and almost impossible without like spending a few days mastering it. amirite or amirite? Its the inevitable future. Crytek is just one of the many once considered PC exclusive game developers that are soon to fall to the so called "evils" of console gaming, or so the macho elitist PC gamers say :roll:
The consoles are going to ruin this game's graphics no matter how you try to spin in into your favor. Deal with it, consoles have outdated tech.
Really? consoles are that bad in the graphics department? Sure the graphics on an average gaming PC are better than that of consoles, but it isn't such a huge difference that it's worth complaining about. I don't know why PC gamers are getting so mad just because they have to share the Crysis sequel with the consoles. Suck it up and enjoy the game.
I might get one since I don't have a PSP.
I said it in one thread and I will say it again. Console gaming is the industry now. If I were a PC centric company I'd rather have my product be played by many instead of a select few with the high enough PC specs to run it.[QUOTE="clubsammich91"][QUOTE="The__Havoc"]
Consoles holding back the industry is not good news :|
I'd prefer more scalable engines instead.
I say put it on the PC AND the Consoles.
That's what I meant. It's the reason games like Crysis 2 and Rage will be out day one on PCs and consoles.[QUOTE="Espada12"]
This is good news for everyone.
Consoles holding back the industry is not good news :|
I'd prefer more scalable engines instead.
I said it in one thread and I will say it again. Console gaming is the industry now. If I were a PC centric company I'd rather have my product be played by many instead of a select few with the high enough PC specs to run it.
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