clubsammich91's forum posts
I'm going through a bit of a money crunch and I really don't want to spend 60$ on a game with yet another 4 hour long story and the same exact MP that was in COD 4 with minor tweaks and upgrades. Oh, and lets not forget how pure evil Activision is being lately. Maybe when the game drops in price I'll consider it But untile then, I'll pass.
[QUOTE="bullfrogj3"]I was repeating what I read. Nice try, though. My Steam ID and PSN is Digital_Phoenix. You lose.If you have PSN, then why don't you try the demo? I think you'll like it.I have a question for the TC.
Hey TC! Do you own a console that you can play BF 1943 on?
If so, please post some sort of proof (GT, PSN, Steam ID will work)
If not. Please feel free to keep pontifacating on subjects you know nothing about, it's really funny for the rest of us.
To answer your question, "What makes BF 1943 so special" Well....It's BF 1942 with decent graphics, destructible environments, tanks, jeeps, and planes. It's a $15 down loadable title that brings BF 1942 to consoles, with some improvements. Yes they cut down the classes from 5 to 3 and the total player count from 32 to 24. If you're in the camp that thinks that more=better, I guess this game isn't for you. Go play Resistance 2 or BF on the PC.
I'm in the camp that says give me quality over quanity anytime. And BF 1943 is quality.
Sooo....You haven't played it? I know what your missing.THE ACTUAL GAME!!!!!! It's 15 bucks, give it a breakI haven't played, either, but Game Informer basically said that they took only THREE maps from Battlefield 1942, reworked them a bit, cut down the amount of classes, and then shipped it out. Less classes and less maps? What? Is this the low price-point of this game the stand-out feature, or is there something here I'm missing!?
not marijuana[QUOTE="Snake_raider"][QUOTE="Communist_Soul"]
I'm not being sarcastic they do nothing but hurt people.
Seems marijuana does hurts people
That's a government run website, of course it's gonna say that cannabis is bad for you. Marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol and tobacco which are perfectly legal. Inf act, some may argue that cannabis is safer than alcohol and tobacco. If pharmaceutical drugs like anti-depressants and sleeping pils are perfectly legal then there is no reason why marijuana shouldn't be.
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