[QUOTE="clubsammich91"]You see, that is what TC is talking about. How PC gamers(the ones here anyways) tend to have this certain view of consoles. The view being that a game on the PC is so amazing just because it is on the PC and consoles would never ever be able to pull it off.
except fact is they cant. its the audience.
take a game like STALKER for instance. thatd never work in its entirety on the consoles. same with the witcher. hell it barely worked with the pc audience its complicated.
look at the example i gave dues ex and the sequel. hell look at bioshockj and system shock 2. the evidence of it is all around you. theres simply no deneying it its a fact of life.
But Bioshock is on both the 360 and PS3 and if I'm not mistaken was a fantastic game on all 3 platforms. The "fact of life" is the console audience can be just as complicated as the PC audience. Crytec realized that and that's why we will be seeing a multiplatform Crysis 2.
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