clubsammich91's forum posts
When a game has sold over 2 million in a month it's hard to care about piracy for that game.[QUOTE="Yandere"][QUOTE="Hexagon_777"]Great news! Superb games need to be bought, not pirated. Filthy pirates.Hexagon_777
Still doesn't make stealing right. :o
What some call stealing, others call sharing.Great games made a console fail? That's a new argument.[QUOTE="siLVURcross"][QUOTE="AHUGECAT"]
All you guys did is give reasons why the Dreamcast failed.
Great games? Where? I see House of the Dead, Soul Calibur and Rez... but that's it. Not enough games.
Someone here obviously hasn't played Phanasy Star Online. That game was as addictive as a heroin and meth milkshake.[QUOTE="AHUGECAT"][QUOTE="treedoor"]
I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
The Dreamcast had the most original games of last gen, many of which were some of the best games of last gen.
Name some por favor.
Sonic Adventure, Power Stone, Shenmue, Virtua On, Soul Calibur Resident Evil:Code Veronica, Space Channel 5, Rez, Sonic Adventure 2, House of the Dead 2. There was a lot of great games that came out in the 2-2 1/2 year period of the Dreamcast.What if Sega did make a Dreamcast 2? What if it the cost of one was around 200-300$? What if great innovative and fun games like Soul Calibur, Crazy Taxi, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Jet Set Radio and Phantasy Star Online were on it? Would you purchase one?
[QUOTE="clubsammich91"]When will people STOP BUYING THE SAME GAME OVER AND OVER AGAIN! gamedude234
what a sophisticated sentence! the same game? no. what about the pokewalker? can you find something more original?
You can't argue that the series hasn't really taken any giant leaps forward since the original. It's still the same top-down 2D game were we put furry little animals into red and white colored balls and then train them till our thumbs go numb.
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