@tmthywtsn And I LOVE how easy it is for people to misspell love with luv. The "o" is right next to "u" in the alphabet, and almost right next to it on the keyboard as well, and leaving out the "e", that's just plain lazy. Lets not even get started on the "ur", you're, and "your" explanation.
@moataz1993 @clynch0527 @Flexanite "Fishing needs patience" let me reitterate my previous statement. You might want to jump in the water with those fish after the burns you're going to recieve
@moataz1993 @clynch0527 @Flexanite by specifying that you are "waiting" youre not going to get anyone to fall for anything. the only thing you will get is trolled. So I hope you have buckets of water for the serious burns you will recieve.
clynch0527's comments