@SDBusDriver1979 @clynch0527 I have some faith in the GaiKai servers. It was a huge investment and I think will play out very well in Sony's favor. Especially since they are charging for online play now, we may have a better experience. Also, super stoked that HOME is not on the PS4, haha.
@SDBusDriver1979 Yes, they will have the games on the gaikai servers next year, but that is not technically backwards compatibility. so unless any software is available on those servers, there is no backwards compatibility with the ps4. same goes for the X1
@SDBusDriver1979 the one thing stopping you from cancelling your PS4 reserve is backwards compatibility? I was unaware the ps4 had it when they specifically said the ps3 will not be backwards compatible with ps3 software.
This is a great idea for them to do, especially for those that will not be able to make the change right away. I think it would just be a better idea for the DLC to be for both the 360 and X1 version. that would be a much better trade off. This just seems like a way for MS to try to pull more money from people honestly.
@Squirrel-Master your comment clearly shows you are not a real gamer. a "Real GAMER" plays any and everything. They don't focus on one platform. Your logic is an insult to gaming. And before you say anything, I do play more games on my pc. I use a console only for exclusives.
@Lil_Burrit0 doubt it, since it is still included in box..who will buy it if they already have one? therefore, why would gamestop or any other place take them for trade in, with a very small possibility of selling them
clynch0527's comments