@Scorchstar Didn't EA say something similar after they released Spore? I remember reading something how the DRM actually screwed up people's computers and EA announced a big apology and said they wouldn't do it with future games.
@JBStone1981 @jhcho2 you cant blame the actual gamers. Blame the company. "Lets buy a game that uses DRM so other companies will do it to!" Said no gamer ever.
Microsoft doesn't have to implement this feature, They are making the choice.
@Necro_Fear89 @xsonicchaos they have made alot of money from gold..but think about it..this always on crap is stupid. over 70 million xbox systems have been sold. and im sure that's including people who bought another system because they had a console get the RRoD. Anyways, It's obvious that not everyone that bought an xbox, has xbox live. Also, I'm sure there were alot that seldomly played online and would only buy a 1 month card when they wanted to play. Therefore, pushing an always online console, they have probably already lost more than half of that 70 million at the least. And i know alot of people that play on xbox live that will refuse to buy the console if this is the case, and I'm sure they are not the only ones that feel that way.
@the_requiem @jmc88888 it will mean something, YEARS down the road when internet is offered everywhere, but we are probably decades from that. And right now, it kind of is like Steam. Steam has its digital only titles, where as so do consoles. They also have disc based titles which can also be purchased digitally, just like consoles. And both you have to be online to purchase them.
@jmc88888 and you're right, australia isn't doing that great considering it relies heavily on imports, and most countries export businesses aren't doing too well.
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