@Dark_sageX: and you seem to only want to think no sales are lost and games are only pirated for just means.
Why do they? Entitlement mostly. They have this platform to steal and they'll find some little con to justify pirating.
You keep telling me to look up stuff but the burden of proof would be on you. I don't need to look up anything to know pirates don't pick and choose what games they will buy. They steal them all.
@Dark_sageX: videos of who using what sources? What exactly is your proof that the numbers would be insignificant. Simple logic is no opportunity to pirate= more sales. Period.
Again this is just reasoning pirates make up to justify being thiefs. (Oh it's like my demo, I wouldn't have bought it anyway) and seeing you say "risk like optimization" kind of shows you're the pirate only type of gamer.
If you build a gaming PC and can't afford games especially with a platform like steam. You got bigger issues.
@Inolis: your example proves sales are lost. If you had never had the option to pirate, you would of eventually bought it. You formed your own cheap ass standard because you have the option to steal. i don't believe anyone that says they wouldn't buy a game that they liked but will pirate it.
These 1 pirate =/= 1 lost sale arguments are just a thiefs way to justify being a thief and a cheapskate
cmdr_danbo's comments