I really like the setting and I always eventually pick up AC and only slightly enjoy them but Black flag was real fun. I want more of that. Could've just been the setting.
Tuesday is gonna be awesome tho, not because of A.C. or halo but because it's one Tuesday closer to fallout 4
@Slayer420: not really. Games like this normally have stuff to do after the end game, this have had very little else to do other than repeat missions, mp, raid and strike. Problem is it's get repetitive real quick. Normally you'd have exotic armor to run down. You could here, but once you hit cap there's no reason to. No New event's.
@Mogan: after the end game I don't see what else there is to do.. Me and friend played it. Leveled up enough to do the new rays and then we were done. Seems like the only thing to do would be to collect stuff and that's just a grind.
cmdr_danbo's comments