cnlst8's forum posts
I'll go for Gears of War because i prefer single player games. dbowman
I second this.
Topic for frugal gamers.
I was looking forward for a cheap game and found Manhunt to be ~$10. I read the reviews and watched the videos for this game, but I'm still not sure if it worth my time (value) to play it. I'm turned off by the repetitious enemies and AI system. The graphics looked pretty dated, but I did expect some of that. I'll play it if the storyline is somewhat decent. The total violent contained in this game is meh to me. So is this game worth my time?
Dungeon Keeper
NOLF series
Deus Ex series (not really that old though)
I would like to see more RPGs on the PC that are not in a fantasy/middle-age setting. I do realize there aare a number of really great RPGs that fit this critea, but I find them to be few and far between. I really more like to see a new JRPG on the PC although I am aware that this is an unpopular decision for developer.
I would also like to see more action adventure like deus ex or staight up adventure games like longest journey series. Unfortunately, the developers know where the money is at in this market.
So what genre do you like to see more of on the PC? You can say that you like the current state of the markt as is and prefer to see more FPS and MMO.
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