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cocomacoco Blog

i miss you all my friends at GameSpot, and reviewers Legion

I've been away of Gamespot for quite a couple of weeks and i haven't check too many blogs, the reason is i am working on the opening of an american Hotel in china, and guys, this isn't a joke, no time for playing, except sometimes i kick up the Executive Chef in MKA, and Killzone for the PSP, my hopes for next gen and PS3 for now were gone when i saw the retail price point here of 6600$Yuan, about 850 US, so honestly, i think i'm going for XBOX360, unless i change my mind later, dunno, i had never purchased consoles so soon, so far i have Call of Duty 3 on the PS2, and Pro-evo6, + Sega Classics and a couple of RPGs to keep me busy for a while, i'm waiting for God of War to retire from the PS2 business and move to the future,

i want to say good bye on grand to last gen, to my friends oddballtech, halo2paul, bigmouthkid, thomasssr60, stevescott24, and all the others, sorry, i'll try one by one to reply to you, and post on your blogs as i can, forgive me, is not a lack of interest, neither a bad will act, i am bloody busy, going nuts, and missing my extra lifes in Gamespot, please keep in touch with me, see you soon.

Metal Gear Solid 4 news

well i got a DVD last night with some updates and trailers on this game i'm very eager to get my hands on, i receive a trailer of 20 mins more or less, where i saw some more details of the game CG, gameplay and history, because it includes a Hideo Kojima interview, and a recount of Metal Gear Solid 2, Sons of Liberty. Which incredibly i haven't play yet, because is out of stock, always, i'm unlucky as i don't like to order through the internet.

Well, Hideo Kojima says in the interview, that MGS4 will give to the fans and players in general, all the answers to the many questions that were unsolved on MGS2, like the son is going to be born, Vicelot arms, and some other interesting points, and the must exciting one is we are going to know who are really the Patriots, and what's behind them, we are going to know some new things about Foxhounds and Raiden, and that all past characters will be in the game along with a few new ones, he also confess that he didn't want to make a new MGS, as he intended to finish it before the number two, and he was already working on a new game.

But then, thanks to his collaborators and the fans worldwide he change his mind and continued the MGS saga, until this coming title for the PS3, which he really affirmed it will be the conclusion of the series.

The graphics and phisics of the game are awsome, even though they have been downgrade a bit, as you know there's a lot of CG movies and that will challenge even a huge storage database disc like the BR is. The story seems to be very interesting, specially with the appereance of Otakon, and the old Colonel, and being you the only one who can save the world, and what a task!, as i thing our Snake only have 6 months of life left, maybe some kind of degenerative disease or cancer that he has.

Anyway, that's all i want it to share with you right now, i hope its worth something, or could be useful to some of you.

First Impressions on Black Hawk Down team Sabre for the PS2


this game is great, looks very good on the PS2, i never played before, it has some very nice jungles, you can control your team with the triangle button, and tell them to aid you in several ways like, heal the team, heal me, ammo needed, also you can tell them to move to a point, open fire, suppress fire, etc.

You can aim with the L1 button and that looks awsome, the only problem is that there's a lot of  Vege stuff and its difficult to spot the enemies, the first mission is in colombia, n' you have to secure a village, destroy all the enemies, and the boats for the drug's transportation qith the satchel, you can select the different weapons by pressing either sideway on the directional buttons, pressing up directional will show the binoculars, and by pressing down you can see the night vision googles, this game really looks awsome, and in medium difficulty is really hard.

Until now i know that you can use some placed machine guns, and by pressing action, mainly on the wooden surveillance towers, you can change/replenish ammo/weapon., and that will be handy.

By pressing the R2 button you can see the grenades menu, and pressing X you can throw your selected grenade, which can be Frag, Smoke, etc. By pressing circle you can change into three stances, standing, crouching, and if you hold it, you will lie on the floor and walk  with your elbows, the game looks and sounds fantastic, the second mission you will have to take out a radio plant without raising any alarm, and kill all the enemies who can oppose future resistance.

To summarize, is pretty cool, and real hard, buy it, won't regret it, that's all i can say by now.

I got my Mortal Kombat Badge

i got it!!!, i can't believe it, thanks to halo2paul, i went to his blog entry and voted on the videos there, about MK of course!, and i got my Mortal Kombat badge, this is one of my favorite games of all times, when i was a kid and a teenager, i played a lot, and i still do, my favorite one is ultimate MK3, definitely was the best game outhere, and of course! i really enjoy my deception and my deadly alliance as i can even play alone, i will enjoy almost the same, right now i don't have anybody to play with, as i'm away from home, but what can i say, is a guilty pleasure to play solo, right?

Splinter Cell double Agent and Marvel Ultimate A

2 new games i got yesterday, Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Splinter Cell Double agent, let me tell you that this two games are amazing, and they have become my favorite dish now, i am playing specially Splinter Cell like 10 or more hrs. non Stop, i went to bed at 4 o'clock in the morning yesterday, splinter cell series on this launch really improved themselves, they throw out some great co-op features and the game, by example, Sam Fisher is convicted and everybody thinks he's mean, and he's just undercover, then he have to help a terrorist guy inside the jell to scape, and the guy will help you to open doors, and you have to protect him and also clear or create paths for him, you will have a meter showing the two factions you are working with, and you can't please one of them too much, otherwise is game over, the 2 factions are JBA the terrorist army, and of course the good guys you belonged to. this game rocks for the PS2  and delivered a very well done graphically and satisfying experience for us gamers, Marvel Ultimate Alliance looks awsome even in a old console like the PS2, and the gameplay is actually the same as next gen consoles, Spidey looks great this time, Captain America and the new Avengers, what a show, i really loved the fight with the chinese dragon though, and the trivia game of that pizza alike foe, the game is a must have for me, and besides the good graphics it has superb voice acting( except our webslinger's one). so i hope you will like this one wheter current or next gen owners.

Bully 8.7? are u serious?

Bully, wow! i really regret to purchase this game and expend my hard earned bucks on this, reaLLY!, is full of bad concepts, and glitches, and sometimes when the prefects are chasing you, and you run through a door, they are waiting already at the other side, and there's no way you can scape, there's no fun at randomly exploring and kicking a$$es, the graphics are good enough, but what a boring experience is Bully, if devs. are going to throw at us this kind of crap, i dunno what's gonna happen.

The classes are so frustrating sometimes, and some of them are really well done, perhaps this is the only good thing about this game, i am playing it, by now i had played it for about 5 hours or more, maybe i'll change my mind later, but i think is not really  that great to me, i'll give it a 7.9, because it's better than Just Cause, that's for sure.

rent it first, my advice to you.

okami, looking forward to it

I want to buy this game, today i went to the game shop, but the retailer told me they don't have any available copy, that if i want it to, i had to pre-order it, can anybody explain to me briefly if this game is worth the attention, and why is it good, don't want to check reviews, as i'm a bit busy this days, can anyone let me know?, that'll be appreciated.

Scarface Impressions

Well, i was really disapointed last week when Gamespot gave a pretty bad score to this awsome game from Radical and Sierra, that was frustrating, but the suddenly all my sadness blew away with the postings all over the forums defending this very well done title, and equally satisfied with 15 people recommending my review, first time i achieve that though, i'm very lazy to write, but thanks to Gamespot forum comunity i'm overcoming this issue, now let's talk about my favorite antihero, Tony Montana.

Scarface the world is yours is a superb game, with much better graphics than any other open-ended world game before, let me tell you how you can experience that, what i idid is that i played Scarface for a while, then Vice city, and i had to turn off the last one, the game is from 2002, yeah, tru, but what a difference on all the aspects, i couldn't play vice city for more than 5 mins, all the fun was gone, i believe that game developers are so much improved, how can you get such a difference on a same console processor, just with 4 years ahead??!

The thing that is really great about scarface (besides the gorgeous ocean, never seen like this before), is the combat mechanics, they work so well, is very easy to aim, and evade, and do other fun things, even without locking the targets,in GTa San Andreas is very easy to die, and frustrating targetting prevails, specially when you fight the gangs, in scarface, you'll die a lot, but it's so enjoyable, that you can overcome the difficulties, by actually having a good time.

The music is brilliant, so many good 80's and latin mixes, there's nothing better than this!

I really love this game and i hope they go on with the franchise, i hope Tony will be back with the original script, imagine playing the original movie story?, Can't wait!!!