@Ladiesman17@codeman101360@bluefox755@Celsius765@nocoolnamejim@thermalmotion@Tripwolf "all religious views always teach about good things" You can't be serious. I don't think religion is the root of all evil or anything, but come on.
@Ladiesman17 @bluefox755 @Celsius765 @nocoolnamejim @thermalmotion @Tripwolf "without right order and religion people tend to act like an animal." Yeah, just like with the Salem Witch trials and the Crusades and the Inquisition. Oh wait...
@BillJr106 People like you are why companies like M$ always get away with this BS. You complain, but you still keep giving them money, which teaches them nothing.
"Microsoft adds that "offline gaming is not possible after these prescribed times until you reestablish a connection, but you can still watch live TV and enjoy Blu-ray and DVD movies.""
*facedesk* Jesus Christ, whoever Microsoft's PR guy is should be fired immediately. Along with the monkeys who designed this POS "game" console in the first place.
So there's no fee for used games... Assuming the publisher will even allow resale. And even then they can still charge a fee. That's not much of an improvement. In fact, some would argue it's worse.
codeman101360's comments